Rowland Stebbins History

Rowland Stebbins

These are items collected relating to the history of Rowland Stebbins or Rowland Stebbing who immigrated to America in 1634 and is regarded to be the ancestor of the majority of Stebbins in the United States.

In general, records suggest that Rowland Stebbins was born in Stebbing (Parish of Bocking), Essex County, England and baptised on 5 November of 1592 at St. Mary’s Parish. In the baptism register his name was recorded as Rowlandus. On 30th of November, 1618 Rowland Stebing married Sarah Whiting. A record of this was found in the same parish register as “1618 Rowlandus Stebbing & Sara Whiting nupti 30 November.”

Please add or correct this information with citations in the comments section.

-Michael Stebbins

Confirmed Sources


Number 124, Volume 31, No. 4; starting at page 193, dated October 1955 by John Insley Coddington, F.A.S.C., of Washington DC published the following quoted in its entirety:


Reference is made to five accounts of the four above-named members of the Stebbing family of Essex, England, who settled in New England in the 1630’s. These accounts are, first, the large and excellent work by Ralph Stebbins Greenlee and Robert Lemuel Greenlee, THE STEBBINS GENEALOGY, 2 Vols., Chicago, 1904; 2) the account of Rowland Stebbing (or Stebbins) in Frank Farnsworth Starr, VARIOUS ANCESTRAL LINES OF JAMES GOODWIN AND LUCY (MORGAN) GOODWIN OF HARTFORD, CT, 2 Vols, Hartford, 1915, Vol 2, pp 21-28; 3) the (very brief) account of Editha (Stebbing) (Day) (Maynard) Holyoke in Charles Edwin Booth, ONE BRANCH OF THE BOOTH FAMILY, New York, 1910, p 181; 4) the much better and more complete biography of the said Editha and of her husbands, Robert Day (1), John Maynard (1) and Elizure Holyoke (2) in Donald Lines Jacobus and Edgard Francis Waterman, HALE, HOUSE AND RELATED FAMILIES, Hartford, 1952, pp 509-511 and 644-645;  and 5) the articles, “The Family of Frances (Tough) (Chester) (Smith) Stebbing, Wife of Edward Stebbing, of Hartford, Connecticut,” in THE AMERICAN GENEALOGIST, ante, Vol 30, pp 193-204.

Most of THE STEBBINS GENEALOGY is concerned with the descendents of Rowland Stebbing or Stebbins, who came to America with his wife Sarah on the ship FRANCIS of Ipswich, county Suffolk, which sailed from Ipswich “the last of April” 1634. Rowland Stebbing settle briefly at Roxbury, MA., then at Springfield, MA., and later removed to Northampton, MA where he died 14 Dec 1671, leaving four children, from whom the majority of those who bear the name of Stebbins in America are descended. But THE STEBBINS GENEALOGY also contains (Vol 2, pp 1117-1119) a section of Martin Stebbins, who settled at Roxbury, MA by 1639, later moved to Boston, and died there about October 1659; and a section (vol 2 pp 1005-1014) on Edward Stebbing, who came to New England before 29 March 1632, settled at “New Town” (later Cambridge), moved in 1636 to Hartford, served as deacon of the church there, and died there, in 1668. THE STEBBINS GENEALOGY also includes (vol 1, pp 13-50) a section entitled “Stebbins in England,” in which there are many interesting and valuable items, such as an outline of the history of the parish of Stebbing in Hinkford Hundred, county Essex, from which the family undoubtedly derived its surname; pedigrees of the gentry families that successively held the manor of Stebbing; Stebbing, Stubbing and Stybbing, extracts from the Parish Registers of several parishes in Essex, Suffolk and London; full copies of the wills of four Stebbing residents of Essex and abstracts of the wills of thirteen Stebbing residents of Suffolk, and the like. But the compilers of this fine genealogy were not so fortunate as to discover the parishes in which Rowland, Martin, Edward and Editha Stebbing were baptised.

The renown American genealogist, Frank Farnsworth Starr, while working for the late James J Goodwin of Hartford, found the records of the baptisms of Rowland and Martin Stebbing in the gragmentary Parish Registers of St. Mary’s Church, Bocking, Essex County. The Bocking Registers also contained references to the Fitch and Goodwin families who settled in Connecticut, showing that a number of residents of Bocking joined the Puritan emigration to New England in the 1630’s. Mr. Starr subsequently edited the Parish Registers of Bocking and they were printed in a very small edition at Mr. Goodwin’s expense. After pointing out that the existing Registers are sadly lacking in continuity (the Baptisms began in July 1561, with gaps from March 1571 to May 1583, from April 1588 to October 1592, from October 1599 to October 1602, and from
1639 to 1655; the Burials began in November 1558, with gaps from August 1580 to September 1583 and from 1627 to 1655), he lists the following seven Stebbing records:

1561 Gulielmus Stebinge sepultus [buried?] est 28 May
1592 Rowlandus Stebing filius [son] Thomae baptizatus 5 November
1594 Marinus Stebing filius Thomae baptizamus 28 April
1603 Johannes Leavens et Elizabetha Stebbin nupti [married]16 June
1618 Rowlandus Stebbing & Sara Whiting nupti 30 November
1624 Gulielmus Stebbing filius [son] Martini Stebbing sepultus [buried] est 3 September
1625 Elizabetha Stebbing filia [daughter] Rowlandi Stebbing sepultus [buried] est 15 June [Rowland had a second daughter named Elisabeth who went with him to America]

The parish of Bocking is bounded on the south by that of Braintree. In this parish, Mr. Thomas Hooker, the future founder of Hartford, Connecticut, often preached during his ministry in Essex, and among the inhabitants of Braintree were Mr. William Wadsworth, Mr. John Talcott, and the families, who came to New England on the LION in the summer of 1632, and accompanied Mr. Thomas Hooker to Hartford in 1636. The parish Registers of St. Michael’s Church at Braintree prior to 1660 have unfortunately been lost, but, as will be seen below, there were also members of the Stebbing family in Braintree in the 1620’s.

Mr. Frank Farnsworth Starr also compiled for Mr. James J Goodwin the ENGLISH GOODWIN FAMILY PAPERS, 3 vols., Harford, 1921, which consist of a mass of English records collected by Mr. Starr in the course of his search for the ancestry of William and Osias Goodwin, of Bocking, who also came to New England in 1632, and settled at Hartford in 1636. Here we find the following references:

Vol 2, p 1148 : Braintree Vestry Book Abstracts, 6 Sept 1619 : Notice given to William Stebbing of a wench intertained at John Beckwiths dwelling on Cursing greene that is supposed to have a greate belly which the Constables have warning to look after.

Vol 2, p 1166 : Braintree Vestry Book, 18 Apr 1625 : The sidesmen of the parish include Edward Stebbing and William Wadsworth. Vol 2, p 1169 : Braintree Manor Rolls, Easter Monday 1628 : Homage includes Ed(wa)r(d)us Stebbing.

Immediately to the south of Braintree is the parish of Black Notley, and adjoining the latter to the southeast is the parish of White Notely. The late C. A. Hoppin once confided to Dr. Arthur Adams that he was sure that Edward Stebbing, the Hartford settler, was born in one of the two Notleys.   Accordingly, I commissioned Miss Helen Thacker of London to examine the parish Registers of both Notleys and abstract all Stebbing records. Miss Thacker found that the Registers of White Notley, which began in 1541, contained no Stebbing entries whatever. But those of SS. Peter and Paul’s Church, Black Notley, which commence in 1570 and were examined through 1640, contained the following records :

1593 – Ellin Stebbing the Daughter of Willm Stebbing was baptised the XI day of Nobember 1593.
1594 – Edward Stebbing the sonne of Willm Stebbing was baptised the XXIIII day of February 1594 (1594/5).
1596 – Amy Stebbing the daughter of Willm Stebbing was baptised the 11 day of December 1596.
1598 – Elizabeth Stebbing the daughter of Willm Stebbing was baptised the VII day of May 1598.
1599 – Thomas Stebbing the sonne of Willm Stebbing was baptised the VII day of Marche 1599 (1599/1600).
1603 – Margret Stebinge the daughter of Willm Stebinge was baptised the XVIII day of Marche 1603 (1603/1604).
1583 – John Lawson and Elizabeth Stebbing were maried the X day of September 1583.
1584 – Henry Stebbing and Susan Bacon were maried the XIX day of October 1584.
1587 – Henrie Stebbing and Margett Coppin were married the XXIIII day of March 1587 (1587/1588).
1585 – Susan the wife of Henrie Stebbing was buried the XV day of September 1585.
1590 – Dennis the daughter of Thomas Stebbing was buried the XIX day of November 1590.
1600 – Thomas Stebing was buried the first of September 1600.
1603 – Thomas Stebbyng was buried ye XXI of January 1603 (1603/1604).
1606 – Ellen Stebbinge widdow of Thomas Stebbinge was buried the 26th day of January 1606 (1606/1607).

Miss Thacker reported the following lacunnae in the Black Notley Registers: in the Marriages, the bottom portion of a page cut out after August 1606; marriages began again in November 1606 at top of next page. Owing to this cut there is also a gap ( on the other side of the page) between August 1608 and March 1608/9. Another cut occurs at top of page after September 1632, and entries begin again in May 1633. This cut causes a gap on the other side of the page from February 1635/6 to April 1636. In the Burials, a page covering parts of 1602-3 was defaced and unreadable; there was a part of 1604 that was unreadable and also a part of 1625.

Miss Thacker was further commissioned to search the Feet of Fines in the Public Record Office in London, to try to find a record of disposal of property in Essex by Rowland, Martin or Edward Stebbing at the time of their emigration to New England. Nothing was found. Moreover, no will was found belonging to Thomas Stebbing of Bocking (the father of Rowland and Martin) or to William Stebbing of Black Notley and Braintree (the presumed father of Edward), and there was no record of the Stebbing family in the Lay Subsidies of Hinkford Hundred, Essex, in the reigns of Elizabeth I, James I or Charles I.

Bearing in mind the limitations of our genealogical data, we may venture to set forth these brief summaries concerning Rowland, Martin, Edward and Editha Stebbing:

1. ROWLAND STEBBING, baptised at Bocking, co. Essex, 5 Nov 1592, son of Thomas Stebbing of Bocking and older brother Martin Stebbing. He married at Bocking, 30 Nov. 1618, Sarah Whiting, whose baptism does not appear in the existing Register of Bocking. Their five known children were presumably born and baptised at Bocking, but none of the baptisms and only one burial of a child of a Rowland Stebbins appear in the fragmentary Registers of that parish.

Rowland Stebbing and his family sailed from Ipswich, co. Suffolk, on the Francis, “last of April” 1634. The shipping list gives Rowland’s are as 40, wife Sarah, 43, and children Thomas, 14, Sarah, 11, John, 8, and Elizabeth, 6. On arrival in New England, they settled first in Roxbury.

Rowland Stebbing was one of the early settlers of Springfield, MA., moved there about 1639, and received land in the second division of that town, 24 Dec. 1640. Sarah (Whiting) Stebbing was buried at Springfield 4 Oct. 1649. Rowland had a seat in the meeting-house at Springfield in 1663, and some time after Feb. 1664/5 he moved again, to live with his son John at Northampton, MA., where he died 14 Dec. 1671, leaving a will dated 1 March 1669/70. The inventory of his goods and chattels, taken 2 Jan. 1671/2, amounted to Pounds 9-5-2; the inventory of his lands, taken 11 Jan. amounted to Pounds 75-3-2; and debts amounted to Pounds 46-2-0 were owing to him (Stebbins Genealogy, vol 1, pp 51-59).”

Another Source (Not cited or confirmed) states:

This man was 40 and his wife Sarah [Whiting] was 43 when they sailed in the “FRANCIS” of Ipswich the last of April 1634 with Mr.John CUTTING as Captain of the ship, bound for New England. (cited p.28 in Hotten’s List of Emigrants,also called “THE ORIGINAL LISTS OF PERSONS OF QUALITY” )

On the last day of April, 1634, Rowland STEBBINS embarked for America aboard the Francis, under Captain John CUTTING, from Ipswich, England. With him were his wife Sarah, their children:

* Thomas, aged 14;
* Sarah. aged 11;
* John, aged 8,
* Elizabeth, aged 6.
* An earlier daughter called Elizabeth had been buried on June 15, 1625.
* They also had with them Mary WINCHE, aged 15. It is unknown if she was related to STEBBINS.

The group cleared customs only on November 12, 1634. Rowland STEBBINS settled first in Roxbury near Boston. In 1639 he moved to Springfield (settled only 3 years before by William PYNCHON – Some accounts say Rowland with with Willliam), where he obtained a land settlement. About 1668 he was one of the pioneers of Northampton, MA. Sarah, his wife of 31 years, died in Springfield on October 4, 1649, at the age of 58. Rowland died in Northampton on December 14, 1671, aged 78.

Many pp. of Greenleaf [Greenlee] talk of this family and their desc. who lived in N.Central Mass.

Another source (Not cited or confirmed) says:

Rowland STEBBING, bapt. 5 Nov 1592, Bocking, England; d. 14 Dec 1671, Northampton, MA; m. 30 Nov 1618, Bocking, England.;

Wife: Sarah WHITING, b. 1591; d. Oct 1649 Rowland died 14 December 1671 Sarah was born in Boston, Lincolnshire, England 30 Nov 1591. Sarah was the daughter of John Whiting and Sarah Smith. Sarah died 4 Aug 1649 Springfield, Hampden, MA, at 57 years of age.

Another source (Not cited or confirmed) mentions:

Rowland settled in Roxbury and afterwards removed to Springfield. The families of Stebbins and Pynchon were connected at least by friendship before leaving England, and for that reason Roland chose to join the colony in Springfield in preference to going to Ct. He probably went early to Springfield, for his wife died there, 4 Oct 1649. Her name was Sarah. His death is recorded at Northampton, @@ 77. He removed there from Springfied with is son John. Thomas, the Elder son remained in Springfield.

Rowland joined religion in Puritan.

Other sources (Not cited or confirmed) Report:

ROWLAND STEBBINS, the ancestor of probably the majority of the United States Stebbbins descendants, there is a strong probability that he was born in or near the parish of Stebbins, Essex County, England. While in England he is said to have a friend of William Pynchon, who was born at Springfield, Essex County, England (which is about 10 miles from Stebbing), in 1590, being only four years older than Rowland. William Pynchon came to New England in 1629, and was the principal founder of Roxbury, MA, where Rowland settle upon his arrival in New England in 1634 or 1635. In 1636 William Pynchon purchased Agawam (afterwards named Springfield) from the Indians. From 1636 to 1646 the settlers of Agawam were mostly young unmarried men, yet we find Rowland Stebbins there in 1639 with his family. In his will, “my much honored friend Capt. John Pynchon,” who was a son of William Pynchon, the founder of Springfield, MA.”

SARAH (WHITING) STEBBINS is referred to in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 9, page 171 as having been “buried 4 (8) 1649” Springfield, MA records at Boston, MA. Sarah Stebbins is recorded to have died at Springfield, MA.

Other Sources (Not cited or confirmed) suggest:

The first authentic records we have of Rowland Stebbins and his family are in “The Original Lists of Persons of Quality,” the title page is shown in Greenlee, Volume I, page 52. This book is commonly known as Hotten’s List of Emigrants (page 281) and the records are as follows :

“IPSWICH. A Note of all the names and ages of all those which did not take the oath of allegiance or supremacy, being under age, shipped in our port in the Francis, of Ipswich. Mr. JOHN CUTTING bound for New England, the last day of April, 1634” are as follows:

Thomas Stebing aged 14 years.
Sarah Stebing aged 11,
Eliz. Stebing aged 6,
John Stebing aged 8 and
Mary Winche aged 15.

(NOTE: the spelling of the above names is as they were listed in the original documents which we copied exactly as we read them to be.)

“ROWLAND STEBBINS died in Northampton, MA December 14, 1671, but no stone was erected to designate the exact spot of interment. Dr. Daniel Stebbins, about the year 1806, had the early burial ground at Northampton, MA examined to discover the precise spot where the remains of Rowland Stebbins were buried, but, failing in this attempt, in 1840 he caused a granite cenotaph to be erected to his memory, in the center of his family square in the new burying ground, on the east side of which is the following inscription. ROWLAND STEBBINS – The supposed ancestor of all of the name in America, came from the west of England to Springfield with his sons John and Thomas, about 1668 removed to Northampton and there died 1671. DANIEL STEBBINS of the 6 generation from Thomas, was born Apr 2, 1766.” (Greenlee Volume I, page 56)…


LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of Rowland Stebbins,

Dated the first day of the first month, 1669 “Know all men by these presents, that I Rowland Stebbins of Northampton in Hampshire, in the Colony of Massachusetts: having my perfect memory, through the goodness of GOD, though very weak and sick in body, wayting for my great Change, w’ch I desire the Lord in mercy to fit me for — doe make and ordayne this to be my last will and testament — viz In fe I committ my soule to God, that made it, and to the Lord Jesus Christ that redeemed it, by his most precious blood: and doe hope it shall be united to him forever, and my body to be in comly and decent manner buryed, hoping at the Great Day of the Resurection, the Lord Jesus will change the vile body, and fashion it like to his Glorious body and so shall be forever with the Lord.

Also I do make my beloved Son John Stebbins to be my full and Sole Executor which I hope will be faithful in all things committed to his trust — Also will and desire is that all my Just debts and funeral expenses be satisfyed & paid, and as concerning my outward and worldly Estate, that the Lord in his mercy hath given unto me I dispose of in this manner:

Viz. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son Thomas Stebbins he several childred twenty Shillings apiece, to be paid within three years after my decease those that be of age, the Sons to be twenty-one years — and daughters Eighteen years. I give and bequeath to my son John’s Children that is to say to John Stebbins his first born an Iron pott, my bed and bed clothes and all that belongs to it. My best Jackett & wascotte, my
old coate and worst paire of gray stockings. I give and bequeath to Benoni Stebbins my best Breeches and new cotton wescotte & twenty shillings — I give and bequeath to my son John’s son Samuel my old Kersey Sute and twenty shillings. I give and bequeath to my son John’s other six Children to be paid unto them when they come to age twenty Shillings apeece. I give and bequeath to my son in Law Merricks three daughters, twenty Shillings apiece, to Sarah, Mary and Hannah to be paid within three years after my decease. I give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Elizabeth Clarke three pounds to be paid within three years and to her three Children twenty Shillings apeece to be paid within three years after my decease, and to Mary the Bell Metal Skillet. I give and bequath to Mary Maunde ten shillings to be paid within a yeere after my desease. I give and bequeath to my son John Stebbins my Great Brass pott and be best coate, and to my son Johns Wife my best stockings, and as for the rest of my Estate that remaynes my will is, that it should be equally divided between my two beloved sons Thomas Stebbins and John Stebbins.

Also my desire is that my much honored friend Cap’t John Pynchon and my beloved brother Robert Bartlett, would be in the overseers of this my last will and testament. That this is my last will and Testament I declare by setting my hand and Seale the first day of the first month Anno Domini 1669-70. My will is that my son John Stebbins doe keepe this my last will and testament. signum ROWLAND STEBBINS

Signed and Sealed in ye presence of William James, Thomas Hanchett, sen’r.

49 thoughts on “Rowland Stebbins History”

  1. Pingback: The Stebbins Ancestry | The Stebbins Family

  2. Inquiry: Any information about a Elizabeth Stebbins. She was born sometime before 1694. I have read church records that she married a John Dodge b. 1689 died 1776, married 6-25-1717 at the The First Congregational Church in New London Ct. One of their son’s was named John Dodge and was born in 1723 and died in 1794. I have only the Church record of marriage and can’t find her parents. I thought she was the daughter of John Stebbins and Abrigail Stebbins/Bartlett.

    Any help would be appreciated,
    Thanking you in advance for your consideration,

    Thomas B. Elliott/ Ferrand/ Dodge/ Stebbins/ Bartlett/ Warren

  3. Hello Michael. My husband’s grandmother was Sarah Stebbins from Wisconsin. We have checked alot of records and she is a direct descendent to Rowland Stebbins. I was wondering where the connection is between the many kings and queens and Rowland. I note a 200 year gap in your listing. My husbands uncle has an amazing book of family stories that dates back 200-300 years. We are trying to get a copy of it. In there there are references to Rowland. I also did Internet research and confirmed the connection to Rowland.

    Let me know if you have any addl info. Thanks Lynn Wirtz. Wife of John Wirtz and chief family genealogy researcher.

  4. Richard Le Maire

    Hello Michael,
    I descend from Josiah/Joseph Stebbins (Steben)who was taken to Canada after the Raid on Deerfield through his 7th G-grand daughter, Rachel Duprat (Dupras).
    I will be happy to share all i have gleaned re this branch.
    thank you,
    Richard Le Maire
    As well as info re Dorothy Alexander,

  5. Jeanne Stebbins Henderson


    I am a 12th generation decendant of Rowland Stebbins…we now have 15 generations in our line. I have an electronic copy of the Greenlee books and I will see if I can find anything about Sarah. Thomas…I will check for you as well to see if I can find anything.

    Thanks, Jeanne

  6. Hi,
    I’m researhing our family tree and have DAR confirmation of Robert Day and Edtiha Stebbins as 8th great grandparents. I would like to expand the Stebbins branch of my tree. I believe she descends from William(about 1567) brother of Thomas(about 1566) who is father of Rowland.
    any information that can help me place her in the Stebbins lineage would be appreciated

  7. Lillian Jorgensen

    I am researching my great grandfather Charles Stebbins (1807-1888). Censuses say that he was born in New York. He married a wife from New York whose name was LaVella. They had two children, Harriet (1838-1913) and my grandfather Charles H. Stebbins (1841-1906. He remarried to a Lucy(born in New York) and one child was born. Her name was Florella (1851-1887). He moved from New York, to Crawford County, Pennsylvania, to Richland County, Wisconsin and died in Jackson County, Wisconsin.

  8. Warren Hampton

    Jeanne Stebbins Henderson, I am also a direct descendent of Rowland Stebbins, my grandfather on mothers side was a Deerfield Stebbins who never left the area. I would be very interested in getting a copy of Greenlee publication if you were able to locate it.

  9. I am a Canadian descendent of Rowland Stebbing through Thankful Stebbins and have been activley trying to find the connection between the de Ferrers line that arrived with William the Conqueror and the Stebbing line that settled in Black Notely, Essex England and Norfolk. I have been able to take the line back about 24 generations but am seeking any and all information any descendent may have linking these two noble lines. Please feel free to contact me and I will gladly share my recent research and references with interested descendents. Many thanks.

  10. I am David Stebbins, a direct line descendent of John jr. Stebbins, who was the only one who survived the “Bloody Brook Masacre” in South Deerfield, MA. I live in MA and was born in Springfield, I visit Deerfield often. Very fascinating history! I traced my dad right up to Rowland!

  11. Gregory McDonald, Rowland Stebbins was my 9th great grandfather. I was wondering what were his religious affiliations. Was there any history of alcoholism with him or any of his immediate descendants? Also William Bradford was my 9th great uncle, he was a practicing Puritan, but again was there any mention of alcoholism with him?

  12. I am trying to put my family tree together and I show I am related to Mary Winch. All the records I can find show that she was on the ship with Rowland and his family. All the trees I am finding show Elizabeth as her mother. Is there any further information that you have that may help in my search. And then it shows a James Stebbins as Elizabeth’s father, and William as her grandfather.

  13. Victoria Lanz Greenberg

    I am taking on researching the Stebbins genealogy since my mother passed away in 2009. Her maiden name was Betty Jean Stebbins, daughter of Ralph Stebbins. It’s my understanding that we are descendants of Thomas. My father was Jack Lanz. I have three brothers, 8 nieces and nephews, and 9 great nieces and nephews. In my possession are four books of letters, two volumes of Stebbins genealogy, and numerous papers containing research done by my mother over the years. I’m hoping to put some order to this material and add to it in order that it may be passed on to the next generation of our family. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

  14. Hi Victoria, Thanks for extending the research. If you find any reference to Rowland in your letters and are willing to share images or transcriptions, we’ll post them here with attribution to you.

    Would the two volumes you have be the Greeley volumes?

    -Michael Stebbins

    P.S. Such an interesting coincidence that my (Michael Stebbins) grandmother, Betty G. Stebbins had a sister, Jean Gundlach and a brother named Ralph Gundlach. 🙂

  15. Hi, I’m a descendant of Joseph stebbins (1655-1724) who was taken and remain in Canada in 1704 from Deerfield Mass. I have followed through his son Pierre (1746-1816) to his son, Franois (1791-1864) and his daughter Marie Louisa O. Stebbins Young. If anyone. Can help me with records from Canada or any other info. I will truly appreciate it.
    my email is
    thank you,
    Cheryl Labonte

  16. Cheryl, check with the Stebbing Ancestral Society ( They have a very large database of connected cousins, including Joseph’s defendants of which I an one.

  17. I’m looking for information on Sarah Matilda STEBBINS aka ‘Matilda’ born 1833 in Cortland NY and married Hiram T. Walker, they had 8 children the 1st son was born 1851 in Canada. They were on the 1860 & 1865 census for Lewiston, Niagara County, NYS. ‘Matilda’s’ parents were Abel STEBBINS and Martha Elizabeth BUTTERY. My mothers maiden name was BUTTERY and I’ve done the family history right down to this Martha and come to a dead stop – looking for answers as to what happened to this line.

  18. My great grandmother was Anne Stebbins born about 1845 in Limerick, Ireland.
    I have submitted DNA to Ancestry and have a lot of matches to people with ancestry to early American Stebbins in Massachusetts/ Connecticut.
    I have wondered if my Irish Stebbins have connections to these Stebbins from Bocking, Essex, England.
    Is anyone interested in proving our Stebbins ancestral connections through DNA?
    In other words, only those with Stebbins Ancestry would submit specimens.

  19. I am a descendant of Roxanna Stebbins. who married Isaac Prior in 1806. Roxanna is a descendant of Rowland and I am trying to find “paperwork” establishing the links down to me. How do I do it?

  20. I have recently gained knowledge of some of my heritage. I received from my Aunt a genealogy of the Stebbins Family including kindred lines of Swetland, Wilcox and Cheney Families, researched and written by Willis Merrill Stebbins. My grandmother was a Hewitt, dau. of F.W Hewitt and Iris Stebbins. Iris is the Dau. of Emmet O Stebbins and so forth from there. I will gladly provide any information.

  21. Doing some ancestry work, and stumbling around the Stebbins relationships, I came across your site. I was surprised to see no mention of one of the more famous incidents in American History that happened in Deerfield, Massachusetts in 1704. It was known as the Deerfield Massacre. In short, French Mercenaries and Indians attacked the village and killed many of the residents and took others hostage. One reference I have found says:

    “John Stebbins, his wife, Dorothy, and their six children were all captured. Not one was killed, probably because daughter Abigail had married Jean de Noyon, a French coureur de bois, living in Deerfield, on 3 February 1704 — 26 days before the fatal attack. John and son John Jr. were redeemed — the rest of the children stayed in Canada, became Catholic and were naturalized. Apparently Jean had promised a better situation to his bride than he mastered, for in 1708 his wife petitioned for permission to take a mortgage to buy land in her own name to support her numerous family. Her siblings are poorly documented, but marriages for some of them are on record and the name Stebbins, in various spellings, is in the Montreal directory.” (

    Now this is of particular interest to me, because my family connection to the Stebbins is through John and Dorothy’s son Joseph who was one of the captives at age 5, and remained in Quebec where he changed his name to a more French Canadien Stebbene. He married a Marguerite Sansoucy Langlais in 1734 and they parented 10 children as best I can tell at this time.

  22. Doing some ancestry work, and stumbling around the Stebbins relationships, I came across your site. I was surprised to see no mention of one of the more famous incidents in American History that happened in Deerfield, Massachusetts in 1704. It was known as the Deerfield Massacre. In short, French Mercenaries and Indians attacked the village and killed many of the residents and took others hostage. One reference I have found says:

    “John Stebbins, his wife, Dorothy, and their six children were all captured. Not one was killed, probably because daughter Abigail had married Jean de Noyon, a French coureur de bois, living in Deerfield, on 3 February 1704 — 26 days before the fatal attack. John and son John Jr. were redeemed — the rest of the children stayed in Canada, became Catholic and were naturalized. Apparently Jean had promised a better situation to his bride than he mastered, for in 1708 his wife petitioned for permission to take a mortgage to buy land in her own name to support her numerous family. Her siblings are poorly documented, but marriages for some of them are on record and the name Stebbins, in various spellings, is in the Montreal directory.” from

    Now this is of particular interest to me, because my family connection to the Stebbins is through John and Dorothy’s son Joseph who was one of the captives at age 5, and remained in Quebec where he changed his name to a more French Canadien Stebbene. He married a Marguerite Sansoucy Langlais in 1734 and they parented 10 children as best I can tell at this time.

  23. Doing some ancestry work, and stumbling around the Stebbins relationships, I came across your site. I was surprised to see no mention of one of the more famous incidents in American History that happened in Deerfield, Massachusetts in 1704. It was known as the Deerfield Massacre. In short, French Mercenaries and Indians attacked the village and killed many of the residents and took others hostage. One reference I have found says:

    “John Stebbins, his wife, Dorothy, and their six children were all captured. Not one was killed, probably because daughter Abigail had married Jean de Noyon, a French coureur de bois, living in Deerfield, on 3 February 1704 — 26 days before the fatal attack. John and son John Jr. were redeemed — the rest of the children stayed in Canada, became Catholic and were naturalized. Apparently Jean had promised a better situation to his bride than he mastered, for in 1708 his wife petitioned for permission to take a mortgage to buy land in her own name to support her numerous family. Her siblings are poorly documented, but marriages for some of them are on record and the name Stebbins, in various spellings, is in the Montreal directory.” (A Google search on Deerfield Massacre will turn up enough to keep anyone occupied for a few days)

    Now this is of particular interest to me, because my family connection to the Stebbins is through John and Dorothy’s son Joseph who was one of the captives at age 5, and remained in Quebec where he changed his name to a more French Canadien Stebbene. He married a Marguerite Sansoucy Langlais in 1734 and they parented 10 children as best I can tell at this time.

  24. This comment is for Greg McDonald, Rowland Stebbins showed a true profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! According to his final will, he made a very strong testimony of his salvation. I firmly believe he received the Lord Jesus as his personal savior and is now on the shores of glory waiting for us Stebbins’ to meet him there. I know i’ll see him, can’t wait, very exited, we’ll have a lot to talk about.

    I have been doing a lot of research on the Stebbins, we are spread out In the US today, I mainly stay with the line that was in Boston, Springfield, Deerfield, especially Deerfield. I may set up an email just for answering questions on the Stebbins history. keep checking this site.

  25. This comment is for Greg McDonald, Rowland Stebbins showed a true profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! According to his final will, he made a very strong testimony of his salvation. I firmly believe he received the Lord Jesus as his personal savior and is now on the shores of glory waiting for us Stebbins’ to meet him there. I know i’ll see him, can’t wait, very exited, we’ll have a lot to talk about. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    I have been doing a lot of research on the Stebbins, we are spread out In the US today, I mainly stay with the line that was in Boston, Springfield, Deerfield, especially Deerfield. I may set up an email just for answering questions on the Stebbins history. keep checking this site.

  26. This comment is for Greg McDonald, Rowland Stebbins showed a true profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! According to his final will, he made a very strong testimony of his salvation. I firmly believe he received the Lord Jesus as his personal savior and is now on the shores of glory waiting for us Stebbins’ to meet him there. I know i’ll see him, can’t wait, very exited, we’ll have a lot to talk about. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  27. This comment is for Greg McDonald, Rowland Stebbins showed a true profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! According to his final will, he made a very strong testimony of his salvation. I firmly believe he received the Lord Jesus as his personal savior and is now on the shores of glory waiting for us Stebbins’ to meet him there. I know i’ll see him, can’t wait, very exited, we’ll have a lot to talk about.

  28. Sandy Steinbock

    I have been looking for sometime to make the connection for George A. Stebbins 1802-1880, married to Almira Cobb 1806-1877. His father was William born about 1772 in New York.
    Can anyone help me?

  29. Edmond,
    If you wish to discover the descendants of the union the couple mentioned(I,too, am a Stebbins descendant) I suggest going online and place the question in your favorite search engine. This process has worked for me. You may also wish to visit a Genealogical Library in your area. Best wishes for success. As a descendant of Rowland Stebbins, Spencer Bonaventure Tracy is my 9th cousin in a direct line. Humphrey Bogart is my 8th cousin, a direct line as well.
    I am 64 and grew up in the Finger Lakes area of New York State…..where Bogart summered as a child. He learned to sail in Canandaigua Lake, 45 minutes from my hometown of Geneseo. Small world. I have lived in Oklahoma since age 27, 1978.

    Best wishes, Bill

  30. This comment is for Grace Kathleen Austin. I am a decendant of Hiram T Walker and Sarah Matilda Stebbins. Please message me if you are interested in the info I have.

  31. James Harold Stebbins Moss

    Vary interesting my grandfather was Herold Benjamin Stebbins he had two daughters no sons , so in his lineage he was the last Stebbins

  32. Michael Stebbins

    Hi, I’m a Stebbins, third generation. Not sure of the generations before my grandfather, Rodney Clark Stebbins. We are from Michigan and I’m aware of another Stebbins that lives in Holland that is not a relation to my family.

  33. Sandy Steinbock here is your requested info
    George Stebbins born July 15, 1802 New York, NY to William Stebbins and Lydia Branch
    William Stebbins born March 11, 1770 Brimfield, MA to Judah Stebbins and Ruth Cutler Dady
    Judah Stebbins born April 22, 1745 Brimfield, MA to Levi Stebbins, Sr. and Mary Post
    Levi Stebbins born July 15, 1718 Springfield, MA to John Stebbins, Sr. and Patience Wright
    John Stebbins, Sr. born February 13, 1686 Springfield, MA to Samuel Wright Stebbins and Abigail Brooks
    Samuel Wright Stebbins born September 19, 1646 Springfield, MA to Lewis Thomas Stebbins and Hannah Wright
    Lewis Thomas Stebbins born July 31, 1620 Bocking, Essex, England to Rowland Stebbins and Sarah Whiting

  34. Rowland is my 10th great-grandfather. I actually grew up in Northampton, MA and went to school in Deerfield but did not discover this relation until this past year.

    I am actually heading up to Deerfield today to do a little exploring with my family. If anyone needs any pictures of graves, houses, etc… in the Northampton-Deerfield area let me know and I will do my best to help out.

  35. I recently was made aware that my great grandmother was a Stebbins, Iris. Her daughter, Helen was my Grandmother. Iris married a Hewitt, and Helen married a Marshall (Which is an adopted name, Smith was the original name). It appears Iris was a direct descendant of Rowland Stebbins. I will be off to England this year and hope to locate additional information, time permitted. If i can help, or anyone know additional information, would be appreciated.

  36. My grandmother is Ruth Stebbins (Hardesty) daughter of Lyle H. Stebbins and Grace L. Stebbins: Lyle’s father is Lucien Palmer Stebbins.

  37. My husband Andrew Robinson is a descendant through his mother Joan E. Hinchey Robinson. Visiting Northampton MA for the first time today!

  38. Betty L Krueger

    I’m researching Elizabeth Stebbins, born 12-20-1800 in Conway, MA and married my gr, gr, grandfather Russell Thayer, I’ve hit a brick wall as I can’t find any ancestral lines on her,,,can anyone help me? I’d appreciate it. Thank you!

  39. Christina Rainer

    Susan Rounds,

    my husband is a descendant of George A Stebbins. I am having no luck finding any information about his ancestors. Can you tell me where you found the info you posted here? Thanks


  40. I am researching Martin Stebbins and the connection to the Keene family. Martin Stebbins and his wife had a daughter Hannah Stebbins about 1640. Hannah Stebbins married John Keene (1621-1665)They had a daughter Jane Keene and a son Jane Keene.

    Jane Keene married William Keen(1658-1730). They had the following children:
    Silence 1683-1775
    William Keen 1686-1754
    Hannah Keen 1686-1715
    John Keen 1688-1691
    John Keen 1691-1715
    When John Stebbins of Roxbury made his will in 1677 he left one half of his estate to his cousin,John Keen with Jane Keen and Mehitable Eldridge receiving part,to go to them after he death of his wife Ann. John Stebbins remarried before his death in 1681. his widow Rebecca is mentioned as having to mortgage the estate o pay debts and for money to pay the three mentioned above. I would love to exchange any info connected with these families.

    thank you Terry Sharpe

  41. Does anyone know of a Sarah Stebbins Southwell, who married William Southwell (b. 1666)? She is my GM x 9. But I can’t discover who her father was or if she is related to Rowland. Thanks for any help. Tom

  42. Paul W. Carrier

    I would like to contact Peter David Prieur about the information he has on the Stebbens ancestry. I am also a descendant of Thankful Stebbens. Or he can contact me.

  43. Michael Stebbins

    Hi Katie, A safe guess might be, “Mr. Stebbins” 🙂

    But seriously, if you are doing research and need help, let us know what you have so far and we’ll try to help as we can.


  44. Deana L Churchill

    My mother Janiece Stebbins Hilliman passed away last July. Her older brother Stanley Stebbins forwarded me a copy of our genealogy report that his aunt had paid a genealogist to do in the 80’s. It also goes back to Rowland Stebbins. If anyone would like a copy the research I’d be more than happy to forward. A lot of that names the afore mentioned are in the report.

  45. My name is Penny (Stebbins) Crowell. My father was Norman Stebbins, born Dec 14, 1939 in Gowanda, New York.
    I received a copy of The Geneology of the Stebbins family. Both of my parents and all grandparents were born in New York. My maiden name is Stebbins, from what I’ve been told and have read I am a descendant of Rowland Stebbins.
    I’ve become very interested in finding out as much as I can to try and continue the family line from what I have. I have a picture of my uncle with his dad Melvin Stebbins, Melvin’s father John Stebbins and John’s father, also John Stebbins. My great grandfather married Mary May (Stearns) Stebbins.
    The Genealogy I have says:
    Genealogy of the Stebbins Family including Kindred lines of Sweatland, Wilcox and Cheney Families by William Merrill Stebbins.
    My uncle who gave this to me said that this is our Genealogy. I’d really love to learn more and find descendants.

  46. I have no connection to the Stebbins family but somehow ended up with a Holy Bible published in 1808. Within the bible that is not in great shape is a family record of the Stebbin Family.
    This section starts
    “Joseph Stebbins my father to Joanna Smith my mother on the 5th of February 1762.
    Samuel Stebbins (myself) to RuthWilson(my wife) on the 3rd of June…1782
    It goes on and includes dates of birth and dates of death. The last date of birth I can cee is August 1882. If someone sees this and has some questions, please feel free to message me.

  47. Peter Marcaurelle

    Abigail Stebbins, daughter of John Stebbins who was captured in Deerfield MA and taken to Canada where she stayed with her husband Jacques de Noyons.

    Abigail was the first person in my family research that connected me to any original settlers of Massachusetts. All of my other ancestors settled in New France.

    Have you done anymore research to verify that Rowland was the son of Sir Thomas Francis ?

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