Alfred ‘Keith’ Stebbins was born to Elwyn Wilfred Stebbins and Marion Long Stebbins of the Stebbins line on March 26, 1904
While I (Michael Stebbins b 1965) grew up knowing Keith as my grandfather, our interactions were few. I’d describe him as, ‘crusty’ and a bit cantankerous, but with a good heart. I grew up loving the diesel and tobacco smell of his boat, Tanya, in Moss Landing California. I recall sailing with him in the Monterey Bay once. He’d visit us at our Bonny Doon home occasionally. Below, I’ll share some of what I could curate from various articles and letters.
Property Owner
Healdsburg Tribune, Enterprise and Scimitar, Number 39, 11 June 1959 Delinquent Tax List Code area 176-13 Stebbins, Alfred K.—SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 33, Lot 2 of Sec. 34, T.9, R.10, Bd. [Bounded]. N. — Stebbins, E.—Grant line, S.— Tp [Township]. line, W.—Sanns ….. $7.10

A Fan of Reading and Libraries
1960 Healdsburg Tribune, Enterprise and Scimitar, Number 37, 26 May 1960
Attention Healdsburg Parents! EDITOR:
Attention: parents of Healdsburg: You want your children to be professionally qualified for the jobs they may be able to choose when they leave school. Complete public libraries, have been located only in large cities and ambitious young people have been drawn to them to enhance their career opportunities. Today a decision faces the parents of Healdsburg equally with its library board of trustees. Federal assistance and also membership in an expanded system of book availability can be rejected. In these times when educational requirements are high for that ambitious young man or woman who is anxious to read outside the classroom to expand his or her training, we may not be wise in rejecting. Let us forget, for the moment, our more settled and dilettantish reading habits; even our opinions as to just what reading ought to benefit others. As a long-term proposition, a better stocked and more active library will benefit Healdsburg and gratify its parents immeasurably. Keith Stebbins 15525 Redwood Hwy. Healdsburg
A bit of a Troublemaker in his Youth (18 yrs old)
Careless Campers In Forests Face Courts — FORT BRAGG. Aug. 10 1922—The state board of forestry has issued orders to fire wardens and forest rangers to prosecute all violators of forestry laws, and these instructions are being strictly carried out in this district. Two arrests were made this week. Charles Hecker, of San Francisco, was hauled into court Monday on a complaint charging him with violating the state fire laws by leaving his camp fire unextinguished near a point one mile south of Cummings. Upon Hecker pleading guilty to the charge, a fine of $50 was imposed. Keith Stebbins. an Oakland lad, is facing trial on a charge of leaving a camp fire burning near the grove, also on the Noyo. It is believed that he was responsible for a fire which destroyed a barn owned by Gus West, located at his camp above the ranch. Stebbins was walking to Willits when taken into custody and turned over to the authorities at Uklah.
At 23 Years old, September 5, 1927 Oakland Tribune
Stavin, 66, of 8176 Chabot road, received a broken collar bone when struck by a car operated by Keith Stebbins, son of Elwin Stebbins, mining engineer, at Chabot road and Patton street. Stavin was running for a bus when struck by Stebbins’ machine.
Healdsburg Tribune, Number 245, 12 August 1937 – LOST—Black and white fox terrier Aug. 8th on Mill creek road. Notify Keith Stebbins, P. O. Box 313, and receive reward
Michael Stebbins (Keith’s grandson) remember Keith’s dog Iodine from the early 70’s. “Grandpa called the dog, ‘Idiot’ but you could tell he cared for him.”
Healdsburg Tribune, Enterprise and Scimitar, Number 26, 13 March 1958
No, 3450 Know All Men by theie Presents: We, the undersigned, KEITH STEBBINS and GILBERT A MILLER do hereby certify: That we are copartners transacting business in the State of California under the fictitious name and style of KEITH APPLIANCE SERVICE that the principal place of business of said copartnership is situated at 15525 Redwood Highway in the City of Healdsburg, County of Sonoma. State of California, and that the names in full oi all the members of said copartnership, and their respective places of residence, are as follows, to-wlt. Keith Stebbins, 5362 Mill Creek Road. Healdsburg. California: Gilbert A Miller. Mill Creek Rd . P.O Box 214. Healdsburg. California. In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands this slh day of February, 1958 KEITH STEBBINS GILBERT A MILLER STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. County of Sonoma ) On this 5th day of February in the year one thousand nine hundred and fitly-eight before me, L H. Killingsworth a Notary Public in and for the County of Sonoma, State of California. residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appealed Keith Stebbins and Gilbert A. Miller known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that these executed the same. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal

1937 Sotoyome Scimitar, Number 14, 10 June 1937 reported what is likely Betty Gundlach Stebbins with new son Michael Stebbins as follows: Mrs. Keith Stebbins and her infant son, who was born in a Santa Rosa hospital a week ago, have been moved to the family home on Palmer Creek.
1954 Healdsburg Tribune, Enterprise and Scimitar, Number 48, 19 August 1954 BIRTHS: STEBBINS —To Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stebbins. Rt 1, Box V29A, Healdsburg, August 11. 1954. a girl, 8 lbs., 9 ounces
Lost Custody
Healdsburg Tribune, Enterprise and Scimitar, Number 8, 1 November 1962 reports
Interlocutory Decrees, STEBBINS Lucille F. from Alfred K. Grounds, cruelty. Couple married Feb. 28, 1948. Reno, Nev. Wife gets custody of four children.